My Incredible 40 Day Blessing
Jai Ram Kaur Jai Ram Kaur

My Incredible 40 Day Blessing

At the beginning of 2005, in Berlin, I got pregnant for the third time. I remember clearly around that time feeling like I was just starting to surface somewhat, following an intense few years. First child was born in 2002, second child in 2003 .. and now a third! It took me some weeks to get on board with it. …

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Interventions - help or hindrance?
Jai Ram Kaur Jai Ram Kaur

Interventions - help or hindrance?

Thank god for modern science for saving lives when needed. But when do medical protocol interventions do more harm than good and with what effect?

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The incredible hormone cocktail of birth
Jai Ram Kaur Jai Ram Kaur

The incredible hormone cocktail of birth

Nature has concocted the most heady, sophisticated hormone cocktail that creates the birth of a child and mother. Its ingredients tell us alot about the process of birth…

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Nepali Rice Porridge
Jai Ram Kaur Jai Ram Kaur

Nepali Rice Porridge

Nepali Rice Porridge (or pudding if that sounds more appetising to you!) is the perfect food for postpartum, by any name. Plus, super easy to make.

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40 Day Blessing
Jai Ram Kaur Jai Ram Kaur

40 Day Blessing

Kundalini Yoga teachings call the 4th trimester time the 40 Day Blessing. What does that involve?

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Almonds Sauteed in Ghee
Jai Ram Kaur Jai Ram Kaur

Almonds Sauteed in Ghee

This is a very simple, nurturing and delicious thing to eat in the weeks after the birth. The naturually wrinkled skin of the almonds is said to help the uterus to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size and shape after birth. It is best eaten BEFORE BREAKFAST. And ideally, prepared and served to you in bed by someone else.

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World wisdom on the “4th trimester”
Jai Ram Kaur Jai Ram Kaur

World wisdom on the “4th trimester”

If we look at all traditional cultures around the world there is something they all have in common: they all recognise the first weeks following childbirth as a special time and they treat it as special. A number of pieces of wisdom stand out across all cultures.

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Yogi Tea
Jai Ram Kaur Jai Ram Kaur

Yogi Tea

This is a tasty, caffeine free, nurturing tea which is ideal for pregnancy and the time after birth. The spices are lightly stimulating without the negative impact of caffeine, nourishing to the nerves and strengthening to your blood. After the birth you may like to have a thermos of this tea by your bedside….

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Kundalini Mantras to Open & Close
Jai Ram Kaur Jai Ram Kaur

Kundalini Mantras to Open & Close

In the tradition in which I teach, Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, we tune in and finish each class or yoga session with certain chants. This is the same in Kundalini Yoga classes all over the world. We use mantra - that word meaning MAN - mind and TRA - tool. So it is a tool we use to harness the mind.

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