Hi! It is a deep, heart-felt privilege to teach classes for the journey of motherhood.

Motherhood has certainly been, still is, a big part of my own journey. Born in Perth, I moved away when I was about 26 to travel the world. I was following a yearning in me, I was on a search.. and yet still when in India in 2001 I met my husband-to-be it still took my mind a little time to be convinced that at least part of what I had been seeking was a life companion.

I was also seeking a teaching and a practice, and this I also met through my husband. Kundalini Yoga came into my life at the same time as a baby began to grow in my womb. Finding this out, I was so surprised, not that I was pregnant, but at how happy I was about it. My destiny, it seemed, was to live in Berlin, marry a German and.. become a mother.

The story of how I became a mother the first time - the birth story of my son, Amrito in 2002 - indirectly launched the offerings shared on this website. 6 months after a very difficult experience with this first birth and with a still very fresh caesarian scar, I became pregnant again! Like so many good motherhood stories, mine starts with a big challenge and then subsequently a steep, wonderful and life-defining learning curve. You can read both those birth stories HERE.

Then, in 2005, my third child came into the world - another birth story still, almost 18 years later, taking its time to be put into words. And, with 3 under 5, we were complete.

Through this, the yoga, the meditations and the understandings of Kundalini Yoga for pregnancy and motherhood were my guiding light. With the first baby, I used the practice to connect to the mother power in me and find my grounding in a new country and relationship. With the second, I used it to stay vital and healthy and to dedicatedly and successfully coach myself towards a different kind of birth experience. With the third, admittedly time for solo practice became a rare commodity! But with this child the learning was to put into practice the teachings of the 40 day blessing. The first 40 days after the third birth still stand as some of the most peaceful and nourished of my life, setting me up to feel so ripe and ready to embrace being mother of 3.

In 2006 it became clear as day to me that I had to share what I had learned with other women, and I began teaching pregnancy and postnatal classes as well as classes for women. My journey into motherhood had given me 3 children but also a destiny as a teacher.

Fast forward to 2009 and I returned to Perth not as a solo woman but as part of a family of 5. I founded Small Blessings Yoga in 2010 and now here we are. By this stage, thousands of women have sat, stretched, moved, meditated, cried and laughed in my classes. And, as babies continue to come, the classes continue! My children are now not even children! They are almost 18, 20 and 21. So I enter a new phase myself. Yet the need of women to be supported, encouraged and nourished through pregnancy, birth and beyond has not changed and never will. It is a human need. We can survive without it, but thrive? Probably not.

I would love to meet you and your baby, whether on the inside or out, in one of my classes and share these golden practices, teachings and understandings with you. The mother’s lap is the cradle of civilisation, so, for me, no drop of love and care put in that direction can ever have been a waste.

Jai Ram Kaur Hergo - KRI certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, certified Conscious Pregnancy Yoga teacher, certified Karam Kriya consultant, Professional Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer

Want to read my birth stories?

You can right HERE…